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все страницы за месяц Октябрь, 2005

4 Октябрь 2005 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Testimonies, Interviews
Other languages: English, Čeština, Deutsch, Hrvatski, Italiano
Testimony Domenico Pecile

On other places of pilgrimage where Our Lady was appearing, some miracles have happened, and this is beautiful. But here, for such a long time, Our Lady is giving messages, is continuing to speak. I would say that, here, Our Lady continues to speak to the humanity. She is not doing it from a pulpit, but as a mother. Those who want to hear and to obey – they listen. Those who do not want – they don’t listen. Our Lady is continuing to speak here. I think that this is because the time, in which we live, is powerful and important as no time before. I our time, Our Lady is observing as a mother, seeing our reality and coming to help us to think again about our way of life and about the world in which we live.

25 Октябрь 2005 /  Section: Послания из Меджугорья - Category: Ежемесячные послания
"Дороге дети, верьте, молитесь и любите, и Бог будет рядом с вами. Он дарует вам все милости, которые вы от Него ожидаете. Я дар для вас, ибо Бог позволяет Мне изо дня в день быть с вами и любить каждого из вас неизмеримой любовью. Поэтому, деточки, в молитве и смирении откройте свои сердца и будьте свидетелями Моего присутствия. Спасибо, что ответили на Мой призыв. "